Wg - YO11 2DL A block of 7 self contained unit generating a gross rental income of £30,400 per annum when fully let.Ct - YO11 2DT A block of 4 self contained flats generating a gross rental income of £20,612 when fully let.Ws - YO11 2QP A block of 5 self contained units. Three units in need of work but can generate a gross rental income of £20,400 when fully let.Aw - YO11 1XW A block of 5 self contained flats that generate a rental income of, £19,500 when fully let.E14 - YO11 1NW A block of four self contained flats that generate a rental income of, £16,500 when fully let.E16 - YO11 1NW A block of four self contained flats that generate a rental income of, £17,500 when fully let.Ac - YO11 1XX A Block of 8 letting units that generate a rental income of, £36,700 when fully let.Lps - YO11 1NP A block of 10 units that are partly finished. We have obtained quotes from contractors and we believe there is approximately £70,000 worth of outstanding works to complete these units. The property would then generate a rental income of £43,000 per annum. For further information, please contact Colin Ellis Property Services on or
£ 1,900,000